As a self-employed individual or small business owner, staying on top of your taxes is essential to maintaining your financial stability and avoiding any unexpected surprises. One key aspect of managing your tax obligations is estimated quarterly taxes. In this article, we’ll break down what estimated quarterly taxes are and who should pay them.
What are Estimated Quarterly Taxes?
Estimated quarterly taxes are a system used by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to ensure that individuals and businesses with income that is not subject to withholding tax—such as freelance earnings, self-employment income, rental income, and investment income—can still meet their tax obligations throughout the year. Since these sources of income don’t have taxes automatically withheld, taxpayers are required to make four equal payments of their estimated tax liability in advance. These payments help distribute the tax burden more evenly throughout the year.
Who Should Pay Estimated Quarterly Taxes?
Not everyone needs to pay estimated quarterly taxes. This requirement primarily applies to individuals and businesses that expect to owe at least $1,000 in taxes after subtracting their withholding and refundable credits, and their withholding and refundable credits amount to less than the smaller of:
– 90% of the tax owed for the current year, or
– 100% of the tax shown on the prior year’s return (110% if the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income exceeded $150,000 in the prior year).
In simpler terms, if you anticipate that your tax liability for the year won’t be fully covered by taxes withheld from your income (or if you don’t have taxes withheld), you should consider making estimated quarterly tax payments.
For example, self-employed individuals, freelancers, independent contractors, sole proprietors, and individuals with significant investment income often fall under the category of people who should pay estimated quarterly taxes. Corporations, partnerships, and S corporations also need to make these payments.
In summary, estimated quarterly taxes are a method employed by the IRS to ensure that individuals and businesses with non-withheld income fulfill their tax obligations in a timely manner. If you’re part of the self-employed or small business owner category, it’s crucial to assess whether you should pay estimated quarterly taxes. By doing so, you can avoid penalties and stay in good standing with the IRS while maintaining control over your financial responsibilities throughout the year. Always consult a tax professional or the IRS guidelines for precise information tailored to your situation.
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